I thought to start off with we would delve into what you want to look for in a face paint artist. You may think that finding a face painter is just as easy as Googling "face painter" and picking someone who looks promising, or maybe the cheapest option. If you want to make the most out of the face painting experience for you and your kids, here are some good things to look for.
You're paying someone to come to your home or work. They're meeting and getting to know your family and friends and will be an integral part of memories of the event. Like those Pinterest recipes, you may find a face painter with impressive photos or a great price. But without a referral from a friend or seeing what others thought of the face painter you're pretty much shooting in the dark. Will they arrive on time, will they be friendly, are they professional? All these questions can be answered by looking over testimonials of their previous customers. It will save you a lot of stress and will completely change your face painting experience.
Acrylic paint probably won't do anything at all to your kids' faces, except crack and flake off. But do you want to take the chance? How awful would you feel if one of your neighbor's kids had an allergic reaction? Professional quality face paints are the same quality as store bought cosmetics, and will rarely cause any skin reactions. Make sure whether you're booking a face painter at a party, or getting painted at a market or fair, that the paints they're using are of the highest caliber. Your child's face deserves nothing less.